Mp3 Download song Animation Strange Behaviour FREE Mp3 Download Song Lyrics. Animation song lyrics

Animation - Strange Behaviour Lyrics

you are an obsession
I cannot sleep

I am a possession unopened at your feet.
There's no balance
no equality

Be still
I will not accept defeat.
I will have you
I will have you

I will find a way and I will have you.
Like a butterfly
a wild butterfly

I will collect you and capture you.
You are an obsession
you're my obsession

Who do you want me to be to make you sleep with me?
You are an obsession
you're my obsession

Who do you want me to be to make you sleep with me?
I feed you and drink you by day and by night.
I need you
I need you by sun and candle light.
You protest
you want to leave.
there's no alternative.
You see some beauty here
I see some beauty there

But I see danger
stranger beware.
A circumstance
when you make your dreams

Your affection is not what it seems.
You are an obsession
you're my obsession
. . .
My fantasy has turned to madness

And all my goodness has turned to badness.
My need to possess you has consumed my soul.
My life is trembling
I have no control!
I will have you
I will have you
. . .
You are an obsession
you're my obsession
. . .
You are an obsession
you're my obsession
. . .
You are an obsession
you're my obsession
. .
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